I sat in an unfamiliar church, almost two years ago, frustrated
and desperate for answers. I was desperate for answers to why
my marriage, finances, and life was crumbling around me. I am a
Catholic, with faith. But I surrendered, completely to Jesus, in a
church so foreign to what I was used to. This church is Church of
the King, a non-denominational Christian church. A spark in my
spirit happened there, igniting a true, and bold faith. My
emptiness was filled and my journey, following Christ, began.
For months prior to that day in the unfamiliar church, the
dialogue with God and [myself] raced continually in my mind,
assaulting my spirit. I could not shake these thoughts, I could not
turn them off. "Why God! Why is this happening to us? Why is
this happening to me? Please help me! We are broke, Lord...we
had so much, now we have nothing! How are we going to
survive? My husband is hitting a wall at every turn, looking for
work...WHY!? And I am just a stay-at-home mom, with no college
degree! What can I do, how can I be of any help to our situation?
I know You hear me God! Please answer me!"
I was fortunate and blessed to stay at home and raise our 2
precious children. We had a very comfortable lifestyle, and I
never thought our money tree would quit bearing fruit. My
husband worried about our financial security even when we were
secure. Not me, though. Nope. How could I understand the great
responsibility he had on his shoulders? I was spoiled by him, and
I had never been in his shoes; the shoes that carried the weight
of fully providing for our family. He felt that I did not appreciate
him and his efforts to give us a nice life. I thought that I did
appreciate him, really I convinced myself that I was appreciative.
But I was not. And I know that, now. I took so much for granted.
I was so selfish, but could not see it. How could I be selfish? I
gave of myself fully to my kids. I enjoyed helping others, and
have compassion for others. I am very generous. I am a pretty
good person, in my own standards. My love for my husband is
genuine. And my kids are everything to me. So why did I feel so
I spent years reading through self-help books, searching for a
solution to our never ending battle of wills. We were both very
strong-willed, and we’d fight to be right. We would both stand
firm on our opposing views, neither wanting to give. But I would
usually be the first to cry mercy, just because I’d grow tired of the
stand-off. Ironically, I despised fighting. I grew up with my
parents who had many verbal arguments, and I vowed to not
fight like that in front of my children. My husband grew up in a
similar environment where screaming was normal. We both
agreed (when our children were 1 and 2 years old), that we did
not want to repeat that behavior. So we tried to shield our kids
from our arguments. It was easy for us both to be vocally expressive, but we only heard what was coming from our own mouths. The art of listening to each other, was just not there. And because we were trying in earnest to not argue in front of the kids, we developed the Cold War fighting style. Silent treatments and snide remarks replaced the yelling. And who were we kidding? That could only last so long before one of us would explode. This is how my husband and I dealt with disagreements, and money was the trigger.
About 3 years ago, our world came crashing down on us. My
husband construction company was forced into bankruptcy. His
greatest fear realized, and all of his resources to make
money, vanished. Our bank accounts were frozen, leaving us
financially paralyzed. Life as we knew it, would be a thing of the
past. Luxury and lagniappe, gone. No longer would I be playing tennis four days a week, having lunch with the girls and hanging out at our club. That was my daily life. When the kids would come home from school, off we’d go back to the club where they would play tennis, swim and have fun. This type of luxury would be the first to go, and it was a major blow to the carefree and spoiled spirit I possessed.
Soon after we would feel the jabs from losing material possessions that I took for granted. We had to sell my new Suburban, some jewelry, equipment, season passes, furniture...anything to give us some cash to survive until things got better. And we assumed things would turn around quickly, my husband was a master at overcoming a rough patch. But this was not an ordinary rough patch. And everyday that passed, my husband’s spirit broke a little more. He figured he would re-build his company, and he’d get more jobs. But at every turn we faced a wall. My husband had always been extremely independent and industrious, and our new reality was killing him inside. Our house went into foreclosure and collectors were calling us daily. We tried to keep our faith in God, but hopelessness was taking root in us both. I filled out countless applications, with no luck in finding a job. I could have worked nights and weekends at a retail store, but I could not be away from my kids especially since they are reaching the teen years, at 12 and 13. So I prayed, and prayed, and prayed.
Occasionally, I would run into my bathroom and crumple myself on the floor, crying out to God. “What am I supposed to do, God? Please help me help our family! Please help my husband find work! He is giving up, God...he is broken! And I cannot take this any longer!”
Several months prior to my episodes where I would plead with God, a friend told me about her church, in passing. It was just a general conversation where she asked if I had ever gone to her church, and she shared how much she loved it. She described the church as a Bible teaching church where lessons from the Bible were made current and relevant to our every day lives. Life applications from God’s Word. I was intrigued but I was Catholic. And yes, I know I know...fellow Catholics, we hear the Gospel in church then the priest talks about how to apply it to our lives. But I was not connecting to the homily at my current church. I was interested in hearing a message with a connection. Though I was curious about my friend’s church, I stayed at my current church. It would not be until months later, while crumpled hysterically crying on the bathroom floor, when I had a strong feeling on my heart to go there. Today I know, that the strong impression I felt, was God telling me to go there. But at that time, I did not realize He was with me the whole time.
As I sat in this Christian Bible church, I felt a warmth in my soul. I hung on to every word of the Pastor, and the Word of God penetrated my heart. That day I learned so many things in 60 minutes of teaching. I surrendered my heart to Jesus that day, and the feeling of peace and joy overwhelmed me to tears. I was home at last, and I had lots of work to do. The Bible is filled with answers to life’s questions. I needed to dig deep into His Word. I made the decision to put God first, study His Word daily, and to pray in a way that would please God.
This was the start of my walk with God, with Jesus in my heart and the Holy Spirit as my guide. I was beginning to see how selfish I had been. He revealed things in my heart that I had neglected to see. I was too busy seeing everyone else’s problems, especially my husband’s. Receiving the gift of Jesus into my heart, magnified my need to look within and search my own heart. I needed to shed my own willfulness and become obedient to His Word. God showed me how selfish I had been. He illuminated my character faults and taught me how I had a pattern of wrong thinking. I had lived this way for so long, and it would be a challenge to change. But I welcomed this challenge to change with excitement because I knew that Christ was working on, in and through me. The Holy Spirit keeps revealing so many answers to why I am here, right now facing hard times. Our struggles with financial problems are only a byproduct, a symptom of our true problems. Our marriage was spiritually bankrupt, I used to put God in a box, and I neglected apply His Word to all areas of my life. For years I had built up resentment in my heart towards my husband. I felt hurt by him because he would rather spoil me with material things, than give his time. If there was something he didn’t feel like doing (with me), he just wouldn’t do it. Period. And I became so rebellious towards him in a passive aggressive way, because of my resentment. Through Christ, I had to realize to let the resentment go, let the anger go, and pray for God to work on his heart. I could not change the past. I could not change my husband. And while I may have felt hurt by my husband, the pain I caused him through careless spending and irresponsibility was incredible. Plus, I not only hurt him, I hurt our family. I had never held myself accountable for the many mistakes I was making, it was easier for me to put the blame on my husband. My feelings, my thoughts, my points and views, my hurt, had such a grip on me because I thought too highly of myself. And because I was self-righteous, I could not see or hear the views, thoughts or feelings, my husband was having.
I spent the next year growing in Christ, and leaning into him. My faith in God is stronger than it ever was. I cannot get enough of His Word, and I feel liberated and full in spirit. I have hope, and peace like never before. And he gives me the strength to move forward. We still, are in extreme debt. I now clean houses to help contribute to the needs of our family. My husband is still trying to recover his business, and get work, with very little breakthrough. We are now approaching 3 years in this financial drought, but the length of the duration tells me that God is making sure I am fully equipped for the next stage. It also tells me that I have more growing to do before it gets easier. I know that He is making me walk THROUGH this for a reason, and I can’t wait to see what God has in store for me. I Praise God, and thank God, for allowing me to face these hard times. Had it not been for these hard times, I would still have a long distance relationship with my Creator. Instead, He saved me with His Grace and drew me into His Love.
Philippians 2:1-5 NASB
Therefore if there is any encouragement in Christ, if there is any consolation of love, if there is any fellowship of the Spirit, if any affection and compassion, make my joy complete by being of the same mind, maintaining the same love, united in spirit, intent on one purpose. Do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit, but with humility of mind regard one another as more important than yourselves; do not merely look out for your own personal interests, but also for the interests of others. Have this attitude in yourselves which was also in Christ Jesus,